0 User management in oracle dba

1. Creating Users
We will see in this article how to create and configure a user database or an account that you can log in and perform actions on the database functions of your rights will be allocated.

It is also good to know that unlike other databases, when you create a user on an Oracle database latter has no right to do this, refer to the section "Administration Roles and Privileges ".

Here are the steps that will be required to create an Oracle user:

  • Choose a username
  • Choose an authentication method
  • Select tablespaces that the user can use
  • Set quotas on tablespaces EVERY
  • Set the default tablespace of the user
  • Create user
  • Assign roles and privileges to the user

1.1. Introduction

1.1.1. Defining a schema
A schema is a collection (or set) named objects such as tables, views, clusters, procedures and packages associated with a specific user. When a user database is created, the schema is automatically created. A user can then be associated with a single schema and vice versa.

1.1.2. Definition of a user
A user database will correspond to a login that has received certain privileges. This user will be stored in the data dictionary and have a storage space for objects that will be stored in the schema.

In Oracle we can assimilate a user with its schema.

1.2. Choice of user name
The first thing to do to create a new user will be to define a login. To avoid having too many problems when adding new users, it is strongly recommended metttre naming strategy in place.

For example, all user names will be composed of the first 6 letters of their name, a "_" and the first letter of their first name.

For example:
Albert Durand give as durand_a login.

It is then necessary to know the limitations and naming rules to follow:

  • Maximum size of 30 characters.
  • Must contain only letters [az] and numbers [0-9]. All accented characters or other should be avoided. You can also use the symbols #, $, _.
  • The login must start with a letter. If you want to use logins composed solely of numbers then you should surround your login between. "
Note: Care should be taken when using the "Login as a Oracle will become sensitive.

"DURAND_D" is not the same as "durand_d."

1.3. Select the method of user authentication
To authenticate a user and define the actions that will be able to perform on the database, the Oracle server must be able to verify user access when it connects.

There are different types of authentication:

  • The authentication database.
  • Authentication by the operating system.
  • Authentication by the network.

1.3.1. The database
This mode, the most common is the default mode. Clearly the user is authenticated with the password stored in the database. This means that the database should be opened for are Features user can connect.

To create a user authenticated by the database, you must use the IDENTIFIED BY clause <password>.

The password will default in cases begin with a letter, have a maximum length of 30 characters and can not be composed only of numbers, the alphabet, and the following symbols: #, _, $ (although Oracle does not recommend the use of # and $)

However, it is possible to override these conventions surrounding the password. "This will allow us to begin our passwords with numbers and use accented characters. It is good to know that Oracle recommends the Use single-byte character even if the database supports multi-byte characters.

Here is a simple example of creating a user authenticated by the database:

This command will then create a user SCOTT with password tiger will. To connect it should use the following command (after having given the necessary rights)

  CONNECT scott / tiger @ <string <host;

1.3.2. By the operating system
This mode will allow Oracle to rely on the user authentication by a third party or by the operating system. The major advantage of this solution is that the user will then need to authenticate once on its operating system.

However, this solution also brings security vulnerability because if the user forgets to log out of the machine, it will be very simple to connect to the database without having to provide a password. Oracle does not recommend using this authentication mode.

To create a user authenticated external way, you will use IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY clause.

Warning: this command will require some configuration before Oracle parameters to function correctly.

We will take for the following examples:

  • A local user Venkat
  • A domain user Venkat galaxy
We will see how to configure the server to allow authentication of the user by the operating system.
Then we will see how to configure the client. Configuration on the server
The first step is to set the parameter value OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX (in the init.ora file). This parameter is used to Oracle to be able to determine which users should be authenticated by a third-party application.

We strongly advise to leave the default OPS $

User login
Remote connection can
No prefix
OPS $ (the default) or vacuum
The second step is to create a user or domain local OS. For this please refer to the documentation for your operating system.

The third step will depend on the type of user you want to allow system.

On Windows, if the user do not belong to a domain, you will need to add a value in your registry.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ ORACLE \ HOMEID (or id corresponds to the instance that will authenticate users using the system).

Add key OSAUTH_PREFIX_DOMAIN (type Expandable String Value) and give the value TRUE.

The fourth step is to check the value of the parameter in the sqlnet.ora file SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES. It must contain the value NTS.

The fifth step is to explicitly create the new user in the database.

It starts SQL * Plus

  SQLPLUS / nolog
Then performs the following actions if the user is a local user OS:

  - We connect as DBA
 CONNECT system / <password>
 - If the user is a local user on the command launches
 - He then gives the default rights
 GRANT connect, resource TO ops $ Venkat;
If the user is an OS in a domain:

  - We connect as DBA
 CONNECT system / <password>
 - If the user is a local user on the command launches
 - He then gives the default rights
 GRANT connect, resource TO "OPS $ GALAXY \ Venkat";
Attention in the second case it will be very important to the new user name in uppercase because we use quotes and Oracle becomes sensitive. If you do not enter the login you should have capitalized the error ORA-01017.

Over Unix, it is very important to prefix the $ a \ to prevent it from being interpreted as an environment variable.

Once these orders made the new user will be able to connect to the database using the command from the server.

  SQLPLUS / Configuration on the client
As most of the time the average user does not have direct access to the server. So here are the actions to take for it to connect to the remote server while being authenticated by the OS.

The first thing to do will be to make the value of TRUE in the init.ora file REMOTE_OS_AUTHENT server. This setting will allow remote connections can connect to the server. If you forget to use this parameter to TRUE then you get the following errors:

  ORA-01004: default username feature not supported; logon denied   
 ORA-01988: remote os logon is not allowed
Then the rest of the configuration is very simple as you just need to have a local account or a domain account on the machine.
Check the value of the parameter in the sqlnet.ora file SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES. It must contain the value NTS.

Configure Net8 client to access the database

Login using the command:

  SQLPLUS / @ <string> connection>

1.4. Select tablespaces that the user can use
He will now have to choose the field of action of the new user.

Indeed, for obvious security reasons, we will restrict the scope of the user choosing the tablespaces that will be able to use.

Firstly, it is highly inadvisable to allow a user to use the SYSTEM tablespace, which must always remain dedicated to the data dictionary.

So we have to identify all the tablespaces required by the user, whether the data tablespaces, index, or temporary. There is no special syntax for this step.

1.5. Define user quotas
Once the tablespaces identified, the next step will be to define the space allocated to each user tablespaces.

Here are the options available for quotas:

  • Size in K (KiloBytes) or M (MegaBytes)
  • Unlimited
By default, the new user has a quota on all tablespaces null.

Here is an example of assigning quotas on different TABLESPACES:


1.6. Choose the default tablespace of the user
This step is absolutely essential, it will define the data tablespace and temporary tablespace of the user. This step is essential to avoid writing in the SYSTEM tablespace (which is assigned if no default tablespace is not defined).

You must define these two tablespaces with DEFAULT TABLESPACE options for the tablespace and data TEMPORARY TABLESPACE for the temporary tablespace.

Here is an example of use:


1.7. Full syntax of the CREATE USER
Here is the complete structure of a CREATE USER command:

user management in oracle dba
Add caption

Here is an explanation of all the keywords.

Login future user (see section 1.2)

Active authentication database with the specified password.

Enables authentication by the operating system

Enables an LDAP external authentication.

DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace name:
TABLESPACE to assign a default data to the user.

Can assign a default temporary tablespace for the user.

Options QUOTA ON tablespace name:
Sets the space quota assigned to the user on a specific tablespace.

PROFILE profile name:
Allows you to assign a profile limiting system resources for the user.

Allows you to expire the password of the user that it changes when the first connection.

Enable or disable a user account.

1.8. Examples
Here are some examples of creating Oracle users:

     IDENTIFIED BY mypass1
     QUOTA 10M ON tbsusers
     QUOTA 5M ON tmpusers
     QUOTA 5M ON tools
     PROFILE app_user
The user will have Venkat password mypass1. Its default tablespace will tbsusers with a quota of 10MB, the temporary tablespace is the tablespace tmpusers with a quota of 5M. It will also have the opportunity to use the TABLESPACE tools with a quota of 5MB.
He must change his password at login and will receive app_user profile.

     IDENTIFIED BY mypass1
     QUOTA 10M ON tbsusers
     QUOTA 5M ON tmpusers
     QUOTA 5M ON tools
     PROFILE app_user
The user will have the same attributes as the previous example but it will be authenticated by the operating system. In addition it is important to know that only the user's domain GALAXY Venkat can connect with the new user and the local user Venkat can not use this new account.

2. Changes a user

2.1. Changing the password
If you want to change the password of a user here is the command that you should use.

  ALTER USER <user login> IDENTIFIED BY <new password>
This command will change the password of a user. If you have used the verification passwords provided by Oracle (UTLPWDMG.SQL script) or you make your own, you'll need to use an additional option: REPLACE option with the old password so that it can be passed to the verification password.


  ALTER USER <user login> IDENTIFIED BY <new password> REPLACE <old password>
For DBAs:

You can sometimes, as a DBA, being confronted with the type of problem:

Have to use another user's account without changing the password. (For example, this user has a procedure that can be initiated by the user because the condition was coded in the procedure).

Here is a method that will allow you to take the place of this user without changing his password.

  - It connects DBA
 sqlplus system / <password> @ <connection string>
 - It is an export text information that you want the user to take the place
 SPOOL c: \ saveuser.sql
 SELECT 'ALTER USER' | | username | | 'IDENTIFIED BY VALUES''' | | password | |'' ';'
 FROM dba_users
 WHERE username = '<Login of user>';

 - We change the pass word
 ALTER USER <login the user> IDENTIFIED BY tata;

 - It connects as another user
 CONNECT <login the user> / tata

 - We do our actions

 - We execute the SQL contained in saveuser.sql
 ALTER USER <login the user> IDENTIFIED BY VALUES '<encrypted password>';
This method allows you to take up a temporary user without knowing their password and without it being visible to the user. The IDENTIFIED BY VALUES option is one of several hidden commands of Oracle.

2.2. Quota changes
The syntax for changing a user's quota is not different from the syntax used when creating the user.

However, it is important to note that if a user had 1MB quota on a tablespace and that he had used half with tables, and if you change it to 0MB its quota on this tablespace that does not imply that its tables are emptied or deleted, but its sinifiera tables will not be able to allocate additional extents.


  ALTER USER scott QUOTA 15M ON QUOTA 0M ON tbsusers tools;

2.3. Changing default TABLESPACES
The syntax is different from the syntax for creating. This command allows you to change the default TABLESPACES user. This will not move the objects TABLESPACES old.



2.4. Changing the status of a user
For safety reasons, it can sometimes be useful to lock the user account to prevent it being used fraudulently. This method can also be used to organize objects in a schema without that we can use the user.

Here is an example of enabling and locking a user account:

  - Account Lockout

 - Account Activation

2.5. Full syntax of the command ALTER USER
Here is the complete structure of a command ALTER USER:

usermanagement in oracle dba
Here is an explanation of all the keywords.

Login future user

Active authentication database with the specified password.

Enables authentication by the operating system

Enables an LDAP external authentication.

DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace name:
TABLESPACE to assign a default data to the user.

Can assign a default temporary tablespace for the user.

Options QUOTA ON tablespace name:
Sets the space quota assigned to the user on a specific tablespace.

PROFILE profile name:
Allows you to assign a profile limiting system resources for the user.

Allows you to expire the password of the user that it changes when the first connection.

Enable or disable a user account.

These options will allow to define when editing a user his or her default roles. These roles will be activated when the user login.

We will not discuss here the proxy clause.

3. Deletions of a user
We will now see how to delete a user and schema.

It is important to note that a user currently connected to the database will not be deleted.

For example:

 ERROR at line 1:
 ORA-01940: Can not delete a user who is logged

3.1. Deleting a user with an empty schema
For this method we will just use the DROP USER.

This method is the default method. You just check the user's schema is empty when running this command. Otherwise it will result in the following error:

  SQL> DROP USER scott;
 DROP USER scott
 ERROR at line 1:
 ORA-01922: CASCADE to specify to remove 'SCOTT'
This error is due to the fact that Oracle does not delete the objects within the schema of the user that you must use the CASCADE option in the next chapter.

Here is an example of deleting a user with empty schema:

  SQL> DROP USER test;

 Deleted user.

3.2. Deleting a user with a pattern
When you delete a user and all its schema objects, you must use the CASCADE option.

This option will automatically delete all the objects in the user's schema.
If the schema contains tables, Oracle will automatically erase all the integrity constraints for tables and all integrity constraints in the patterns of other users who made references to UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints of the schema that is being deleted .

Oracle also remove all indexes associated with the table columns, as well as any triggers, data types (with the FORCE option).

Oracle invalidate but not delete objects in other schema but the schema references were deleted.

By cons, Oracle will not delete user-created roles.

Here is an example of deleting a user and the schema:


 Deleted user.

3.2. Full syntax of the command DROP USER
Here is the complete structure of a DROP USER command: 

User Management in oracle dba

Here is an explanation of all the keywords.

User login to remove.

Deletes the contents of the user's schema will be deleted.

4. User Information
Here we will see the different views that will be useful for obtaining information about users that we have created.

Views that will be useful are the views and DBA_USERS DBA_TS_QUOTAS (or views that contain information USER_USERS current user and USER_TS_QUOTAS that contain information about the current user quotas).



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